Tuesday, December 07, 2004

More on Religion and the ACLU

Today's column from Eric Zorn discusses the Christmas controversy I posted about last night. He does a much better job of documenting exactly how the ACLU is NOT some sort of godless anti-religious group, but actually defends the freedom of religious expression:
Norman told me Monday that the ACLU "has its fingerprints all over a number of things that cause me to conclude that it has policy that's quite anti-religious," then e-mailed me just three legal citations over the last 20 years dealing with the ACLU and Christmas issues.

This was after I reminded him that the ACLU frequently goes to court to fight for the rights of believers to practice their faith, and that in 1995 the ACLU signed on to the Joint Statement of Current Law on Religion in the Public Schools.

That statement aggressively reminded educators of students' rights to express their faith in public school in numerous ways and for schools to present religiously inspired material--including music--as long as it was in a clearly educational setting.
Some supplemental links are available over at his blog.

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